Is Google’s Gemini the real start of the generative AI boom?

A new AI model from Google—called Gemini—is fresh competition for OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The AI rivals are now working on even more radical ideas. Let’s find out the answer of our question “Is Google’s Gemini the real start of the generative AI boom?”

The History of AI and the AI Boom

Artificial intelligence (AI) has had a rollercoaster history. Periods of rapid progress have often been followed by “AI winters,” when funding dries up and development stalls. However, the recent release of Google’s Gemini, a “fundamentally new” AI model, suggests that another winter is unlikely.

The Rise of ChatGPT and GPT-4

ChatGPT, Open AI, OpenAI, CHatgpt 4

In November 2022, OpenAI launched ChatGPT, a large language model (LLM) chatbot capable of doing everything from writing essays to answering coding problems. Its success sparked a surge in interest in AI, with some experts even fearing its capabilities.

Google Enters the Game with Bard and Gemini

Google responded to ChatGPT with Bard, its own LLM chatbot. But Gemini represents a significant step forward. Native multimodality, the ability to learn from data beyond text (including audio, video, and images), potentially opens the door to a new generation of AI products that go far beyond today’s chatbots.

Why Gemini is Different?

Gemini Pro

While ChatGPT and its successor GPT-4 are impressive, they are limited by their reliance on text data. Gemini’s multimodal learning allows it to gain a more complete understanding of the world, potentially overcoming the limitations of existing LLMs such as hallucinations, poor reasoning, and security flaws.

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The Future of AI?

Google’s DeepMind head Demis Hassabis believes that combining LLMs like Gemini with other AI techniques is crucial for creating truly intelligent systems. He also hinted at a potential future beyond chatbots, hinting at more significant applications.

OpenAI’s Response?

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has also acknowledged the need for new approaches to AI development. Their mysterious Q* project suggests they are exploring similar ideas to Google’s Gemini.


While Google’s Gemini may be the first major step beyond ChatGPT, its launch is most significant for what it represents: a shared recognition by both Google and OpenAI that the current AI boom is just the beginning of a much larger revolution.

FAQs about Google’s Gemini

What is Google’s Gemini?

Google’s Gemini is a new “natively multimodal” AI model that can learn from data beyond text, including audio, video, and images. This is a significant development in the field of artificial intelligence, as it has the potential to overcome the limitations of existing LLMs (large language models) like ChatGPT.

What are the benefits of Gemini over ChatGPT?

  • More complete understanding of the world: Gemini’s ability to learn from multiple modalities means that it can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the world than LLMs limited to text data.
  • Potentially overcome limitations of existing LLMs: Gemini’s multimodal learning could help to overcome the limitations of existing LLMs, such as hallucinations, poor reasoning, and security flaws.
  • New generation of AI products: Gemini’s capabilities could lead to the development of a new generation of AI products that go beyond the capabilities of existing chatbots.

What are the potential applications of Gemini?

The potential applications of Gemini are vast and varied, but some potential examples include:

  • Education: Gemini could be used to personalize education and provide students with customized learning experiences.
  • Healthcare: Gemini could be used to help diagnose diseases, develop new treatments, and provide personalized patient care.
  • Customer service: Gemini could be used to create chatbots that are able to provide more helpful and personalized customer service.
  • Content creation: Gemini could be used to create more engaging and realistic content, such as video games, movies, and books.

What are the ethical concerns of Gemini?

As with any powerful technology, there are ethical concerns associated with Gemini. Some of the potential concerns include:

  • Bias: Gemini could perpetuate existing biases if it is trained on biased data.
  • Job displacement: Gemini could lead to job displacement in some industries.
  • Misinformation: Gemini could be used to create and spread misinformation.

It is important to address these ethical concerns before Gemini is widely deployed.

How can I learn more about Gemini?

You can learn more about Gemini by visiting the following websites:

Is Gemini available to the public?

Gemini is not currently available to the public. However, it is possible that it will be made available in the future.

What are the next steps for Gemini?

The next steps for Gemini are to continue to develop its capabilities and explore its potential applications. It is likely that Gemini will play a major role in the future of artificial intelligence.


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