Top and Best AI Tools for Writing Code

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the software development landscape. One of the most exciting areas of AI development is code completion, which can help programmers write code faster and more accurately.

In this blog post, we will discuss five of the best AI tools for writing code: GitHub Copilot, aiXcoder, TabNine, Figstack, and Cody by Sourcegraph.

List of the Top AI Tools for Writing Code

  1. GitHub Copilot
  2. aiXcoder
  3. TabNine
  4. Figstack
  5. Cody by Sourcegraph

1. GitHub Copilot

Top and Best AI Tools for Writing Code

GitHub Copilot is a powerful AI tool that can suggest code as you type. It is trained on a massive dataset of code from GitHub repositories, and it can generate code in a variety of programming languages. GitHub Copilot is available as an extension for Visual Studio Code and other popular code editors.

Key Features

  • Trained on a massive dataset of public code from GitHub
  • Generates suggestions for over 40 programming languages
  • Integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio Code, JetBrains IDEs, and Neovim
  • Offers context-aware suggestions based on your current code and comments

Pros and Cons

  • Extensive language support
  • Highly accurate suggestions based on real-world code
  • Integrates well with popular code editors
  • Can sometimes generate overly complex or repetitive code
  • Raises concerns about potential copyright infringement


  • Free for individual developers,
  • Paid plans for teams and enterprises

2. aiXcoder

Top and Best AI Tools for Writing Code

aiXcoder is another AI code completion tool that is trained on a massive dataset of code. It can generate code in a variety of programming languages, and it can also understand and respond to natural language queries. aiXcoder is available as a web-based tool and as an extension for Visual Studio Code.

Key Features

  • Trained on a massive dataset of code and text
  • Generates code in multiple languages, including Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, and C#
  • Understands natural language queries to generate code based on descriptions
  • Offers a web-based interface and a VS Code extension

Pros and Cons

  • Supports multiple languages and natural language queries
  • Generates creative and efficient code
  • Offers a web-based interface for easy accessibility
  • Can be less accurate than some competitors
  • Limited customization options


  • Free for basic usage,
  • Paid plans for advanced features

3. TabNine

Top and Best AI Tools for Writing Code

TabNine is an AI code completion tool that is known for its speed and accuracy. It can generate code in a variety of programming languages, and it can also learn from your coding style. TabNine is available as an extension for Visual Studio Code and other popular code editors.

Key Features

  • Prioritizes speed and accuracy
  • Generates code in over 20 programming languages
  • Learns from your coding style to provide personalized suggestions
  • Integrates with popular code editors

Pros and Cons

  • Extremely fast and accurate
  • Adapts to your coding style
  • Supports a wide range of languages
  • Can be less creative than some competitors
  • May not generate as comprehensive suggestions


  • Free for personal use,
  • Paid plans for commercial use

4. Figstack

Top and Best AI Tools for Writing Code

Figstack is an AI code completion tool that is designed for Python developers. It can generate code in Python, and it can also understand and respond to natural language queries. Figstack is available as a web-based tool and as an extension for Visual Studio Code.

Key Features

  • Designed specifically for Python developers
  • Generates Python code from natural language descriptions
  • Understands Python syntax and semantics
  • Offers a web-based interface and a VS Code extension

Pros and Cons

  • Deep understanding of Python
  • Able to generate complex Python code from natural language
  • Offers a visual interface for code exploration
  • Limited to Python language
  • Can be slower than some competitors


  • Free for basic usage,
  • Paid plans for advanced features

5. Cody by Sourcegraph

Top and Best AI Tools for Writing Code

Cody by Sourcegraph is an AI code completion tool that is powered by the Sourcegraph platform. It can generate code in a variety of programming languages, and it can also access and query code from a variety of sources. Cody by Sourcegraph is available as a web-based tool and as an extension for Visual Studio Code.

Key Features

  • Leverages the Sourcegraph platform for code intelligence
  • Generates code in multiple languages
  • Accesses and queries code from a variety of sources
  • Offers a web-based interface and a VS Code extension

Pros and Cons

  • Strong code intelligence capabilities
  • Integrates with Sourcegraph for code search and exploration
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Can be less intuitive for beginners
  • Limited customization options


  • Free for individuals,
  • Paid plans for teams and enterprises

Which AI tool is right for you?

The best AI tool for writing code will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

  • If you are looking for a powerful tool that can generate code in a variety of programming languages, GitHub Copilot or aiXcoder would be a good choice.
  • If you are looking for a tool that is fast and accurate, TabNine would be a good choice.
  • If you are a Python developer, Figstack would be a good choice.
  • If you are looking for a tool that is powered by the Sourcegraph platform, Cody by Sourcegraph would be a good choice.


AI code completion tools are still in their early stages of development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we write code. I encourage you to try out a few different AI tools and see which one works best for you.


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